Working Bees

Spreading Mulch 2021

Next Working Bee – Saturday 8th February at 8:30 am [Note change of time]

Working bees are held each month (except January), mostly on the second Saturday of the month.

The working bee and committee meeting schedule for 2025 can be found here. Dates are also on the calendar.

The working bee on Saturday will focus on:

* Watering along Lochiel Parkway

The dry period looks like continuing and some plants need supplementary watering. Please note the earlier start time to avoid the heat.

Lochiel Park has again achieved an International Green Flag Award 2024/25 This is the 6 th year straight and demonstrates the dedication of the local FoLP volunteers, who work to maintain this high standard.

Working in the natural environment is good for your health, heart and soul. Come and join us and get involved in community participation and get to know your neighbours by beautifying Lochiel Park surrounds that provide and sustain habitat for our Native Wildlife. Many hands make light work.

We hope to see you there, even if you have only got a short time to spare. The weather forecast for Saturday is sunny, partly cloudy and a max temp in the afternoon of 32C , High UV Index wearing sun protection recommended. The dry period looks like continuing and some plants need supplementary watering.

Join us for morning tea in the afterwards in the LPCG Pavilion.

When: Saturday 8 th February 2025 – 8.30am – 10.00am
Where: Meet at the Community Garden Pavilion to sign on
Gardening gloves, hat and water bottle, Remember sun cream, wheelbarrow and Garden Hose(snap on end) and spray head


on behalf of the FoLP committee

Information:    Friends of Lochiel Park

President: Willie Smyth
Mob: 0422128607 Email:

Native Seedling/Grasslands Working Bees

Next Working Bee – TBA